About us.
A digital marketing agency with focus on results
The company was founded back in 2006, just before the first iPhone came out. Mobile marketing was hyped and we set out to challenge traditional marketing and how companies interact with their customers. With a mobile-first approach and strong focus on generating measurable outcomes for our clients, we built a platform and a service that has grown to cover the whole Nordics.
Since then we’ve had the chance to work with many of the leading brands in many categories and industries and helped them create campaigns and marketing solutions that have an impact on sales.
Today Qwamplify Nordics is a Nordic team working from Helsinki, Stockholm and Oslo. A marketing agency, which focuses on activation campaigns and smart use of digital media that acquire the right audiences, drives awareness and conversions, to increase sales.
Our mission is to provide our clients with the best activation solutions within brand building, shopper marketing, channel activations and digital media.
Since 2014 we are part of the Qwamplify Group, with headquarters in Paris.
Ingrid Engen
Dennis Smeds
Sofia Paronen
Olle Wicksell
Kalle Järvinen
Linda Hernbäck
Kasperi Partanen
Helana Maad
Martina Tiger
Charlotta Keränen
Maria Sjøtun
Nicole Dahl
Joonas Kosonen
Maxine Weckman
Olivia Zandin
Heidi Erälähde
Tino Hakanen
Emma Casati
Monna Pöyhönen
Jerker Mårgård
Tine Flinskau
Syed Shahrier
Hanna Larsson
Haris Cizmic
Sybila Ljunglöf
What’s important.
Relationships are built on trust and so is our business.
Honesty lasts longest.
Open mind.
An open mind solves more challenges than a closed one.
A great atmosphere leads to action, which leads to results.
Possibilities come from flexibility.
Be commited, or be somewhere else.